222 research outputs found

    Substitutions over infinite alphabet generating (-\beta)-integers

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    This contribution is devoted to the study of positional numeration systems with negative base introduced by Ito and Sadahiro in 2009, called (-\beta)-expansions. We give an admissibility criterion for more general case of (-\beta)-expansions and discuss the properties of the set of (-\beta)-integers. We give a description of distances within this set and show that this set can be coded by an infinite word over an infinite alphabet, which is a fixed point of a non-erasing non-trivial morphism.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Virtual Multicast

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    Cogeneration Unit Control

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato práce pojednává o problematice kogenerace a řeší návrh a implementaci řízení pro vytvořenou mikrokogenerační jednotku se vzduchem chlazeným spalovacím motorem. Teoretická část seznamuje s technologií přeměny energie z paliva na elektrickou a tepelnou energii a současným stavem nabídky dostupných mikrokogeneračních jednotek na evropském trhu. Součástí práce je i projektová dokumentace, v níž je proveden návrh všech komponentů a výkresová dokumentace. V praktické části je popsán návrh řídicího softwaru a jeho implementace do PLC Siemens Simatic S7-1200. Vizualizace řízení mikrokogenerační jednotky je pak vytvořená v softwaru od společnosti mySCADA Technologies. Poslední kapitola je věnována testování vytvořeného řídicího systému spolu s vizualizací procesních dat na jednoválcovém vzduchem chlazeném motoru G340FD.This thesis discusses cogeneration and deals with plan and implementation of micro cogeneration unit with air-cooled combustion engine. Theoretical part acquitants with technology of energy conversion, precisely conversion of the fuel energy to electric and thermal energy and also informs about current offers of micro cogeneration units which are available at the European market. Within the project documentation which is part of this thesis there is proposal of all components and mechanical drawings. In practical part there is the plan of controlling software and its implementation to the PLC Siemens Simatic S7-1200. Controlling visualization of micro cogeneration unit is created by mySCADA Technologies software. The last section is focused on controlling system testing along with visualization of processing data on single-cylinder air-cooled combustion engine.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Control of A-V technique

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    Control of A-V technique

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    katedra: MTI; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 48s. (41 913 znaků)Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit funkční zařízení pro ovládání A-V techniky. Přípravek bude využíván ve vybrané učebně k centrálnímu zapínání a vypínání dataprojektorů. Přípravek se bude skládat ze dvou desek plošných spojů. Jedna deska plošného spoje bude osazena mikrokontrolérem Dallas 89C430 a ostatními integrovanými obvody zajišťující funkci zařízení. Druhá deska plošného spoje bude obsahovat jen ovládací a informační prvky. Obě desky plošných spojů budou vzájemně pružně propojeny. Desky plošných spojů se musí realizovat tak, aby se vešli do elektromontážní přístrojové krabice do dutých stěn, aby se zařízení mohlo lehce nainstalovat do pracovní desky stolu. Dále je nutno naprogramovat mikrokontrolér tak, aby byl přípravek schopný vybrané dataprojektory ovládatThis study is based on setting up of a working device for operation of A-V system. This tool will be used in a selected classroom to centralized switching of projectors. The tool consists of two printed circuit boards. One printed circuit board will be embedded with micro-controller Dallas 89C430 and other integrated circuits providing a function of the device. The other printed circuit board will consist only of controlling and informative elements. Both printed circuit boards will be flexibly connected together. The printed circuit boards must be set up in that way that they have to fit up into the concave walls of electrical box to be easily installed into the working desk. As the next step the micro-controller must be programmed in that way that it should allow the tool to operate selected projectors

    Evaluation of the Fourth Stage of Quarry ČSA Recultivation.

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je seznámení s rekultivací po těžbě a ekonomické zhodnocení vynaložených nákladů na realizaci jednotlivých variant.The subject of this thesis is to introduce the reclamation after mining and an economic evaluation of the cost options for their implementation.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Interannual Variation in Root Production in Grasslands Affected by Artificially Modified Amount of Rainfall

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    The effect of different amounts of rainfall on the below-ground plant biomass was studied in three grassland ecosystems. Responses of the lowland (dry Festuca grassland), highland (wet Cirsium grassland), and mountain (Nardus grassland) grasslands were studied during five years (2006–2010). A field experiment based on rainout shelters and gravity irrigation simulated three climate scenarios: rainfall reduced by 50% (dry), rainfall increased by 50% (wet), and the natural rainfall of the current growing season (ambient). The interannual variation in root increment and total below-ground biomass reflected the experimentally manipulated amount of precipitation and also the amount of current rainfall of individual years. The effect of year on these below-ground parameters was found significant in all studied grasslands. In comparison with dry Festuca grassland, better adapted to drought, submontane wet Cirsium grassland was more sensitive to the different water inputs forming rather lower amount of below-ground plant matter at reduced precipitation

    Geometric Accuracy, Volumetric Accuracy and Compensation of CNC Machine Tools

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    The production of geometrically and dimensionally defined workpieces is what the user expects from a machine tool. Deviations from these prescribed dimensions and geometry are due to machine inaccuracies. Therefore, it was necessary to develop tests and tests on the properties and parameters of machine tools that can detect these. Every new machine tool undergoes these tests.How to perform and evaluate these tests is determined and recommended primarily by standards and regulations. When testing the properties of machines, it is not only about knowing and knowing how to measure machines, but also how I can analyze and apply the obtained results. Is it necessary to do a mechanical intervention of the machine or is it enough to compensate the software